Written Works
Dark Cloud
Genre: Post Apocalyptic
Type: Feature Length Screenplay
Logline: In a post-apocalyptic world, a young woman with a mysterious connection to the land – and a combat robot – steps forward to confront an evil, militaristic dictator bent on detonating a recently aquired nuke.
A Graphic Novel adaptation for this project has been completed and has won 9 awards. It’s also for sale in many places – including bookstores. Although I’d love to get a film out this why did I pursue a graphic novel first? A few reasons: 1) I wanted to be able to Show what this is all about. A screenplay has too much competition, and I didn’t like the odds. There are also little nuances that I can’t convey via screenplay. They need to be visual. 2) I wanted to put it in a form I could share with anybody. A screenplay has a limited audience unless you’re already famous. Even then, people would rather read a graphic novel than a screenplay. As a sub-point on that, most people cringe when someone tries to hand them something they’ve written – unless that person is famous for their writing. In a lot of cases it’s bad. Even in Hollywood, a person has to pay to get their screenplay read the vast majority of the time. 3) There’s also a price-point to consider, and this is a more affordable way of launching all this into the world. In Hollywood, it doesn’t matter how good looking a person is, how great their story, or how talented they are. If you can’t point to a fan base and guarantee rear ends in the seats, then no one is going to put money behind your project. Show them, and get a traction going ahead of time.
It is a business after all. Films are a big investment. Then there’s the marketing and distribution. Expect to pay as much for that as was put into the production itself. So I’m starting with the Graphic Novel first, for both marketing purposes, and to start building a fan base. From there the ultimate goal is get at least one feature length film, if not a film franchise. Personally? I think it’s the next Road Warrior / Terminator combo hit wonder, so we will see… [Yes, 80’s reference runs the risk of dating things and inviting comments about lack of relevancy to the current day – though the story just gets MORE relevant with time – but there was some good stuff that came out of that decade!]
This project has it’s own website at DarkCloudOnline.com
Other Works
Coming soon… I’ve written them. I just haven’t put them up on my website yet.