
BA, University of Colorado at Boulder, Psychology, Anthropology, Classical Civilization (Evolution of Civilization)
Computer Science Engineering, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Clerical / Administrative Assistant skills, Barnes Business College, Denver

That’s just my official education. I’m very self-taught, and could test out to get degrees in other fields as well. I just don’t bother because, “What am I going to do with a degree in Egyptology? My focus is elsewhere.” Things like that… I know that I know, and that’s what matters. I do very well as the intellectual sparing partner for a retired Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology, so there’s your proof in the pudding right there.

Computer Languages: Perl, C, Fortran, Visual Basic, Basic, Pascal, Cobol
Human Languages: English (primary), Spanish (semi-fluent), Gift for Mirroring Accents, Glossolalia (I’m aware that the phenomenon is not a real language.)


Tribal Fusion (a Belly Dancing sub-style) to Contemporary Western Music (Techno, for example)

Herbalism: Always creating health and beauty products. That includes 4 perfumes, very effective anti-wrinkle cream (for the husband), body butter, very effective pain rub (one person I gave it to told his doctor he didn’t need shots for the pain anymore!), leave-in Hair Treatment (detangler, conditioner; like Armor All for the hair.) my own custom Hair Oil Blend and General Healing Herbalism practiced too.

Cooking Couisines: Tex-Mex, Asian-American, Middle American.

Yes, I’m a d@mn good cook if I don’t say so myself, with quite a range of what I fix. It’s something I approach as though it’s alchemy and magic, challenging the standard of not only excellent taste, but wonderful presentation. I could devote a very detailed website to everything I do with that – which I’m not going to put the energy into doing. I should probably just put up a picture of the 10 spice racks I have mounted on one wall in my 1,500 square foot kitchen to illustrate the point of what I do with this. Why do I do it? Because I enjoy it. It’s chemistry and alchemy, combined with the art of presentation.

Note: Some people may say, “Sandra, you’re a Feminist. Why are you so into cooking?” Because that’s my choice too. If someone said to me, “I expect my dinner on the table by 5 o’clock!” I’d reply, “Well then you’d better get busy cookin’, ‘cuz I’m not doing it for you with that attitude.”

Another Note: Someone pointed out to me that part of what may be going on is that cooking is more of a statement on my relationship to food. I’d become pre-diabetic at one point, so got stomach surgery to reset my metabolism. As a result I can’t eat much. Therefore, I focus on the art of creation. My joy comes from the smells, the prep, the nuances, presentation and a sample taste rather than actually eating.

This is just how much I take my cooking seriously:

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